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Saturday, August 7, 2010

final 11 Tools post

What are your favorite tools you now have in your personal technology toolbox? video story is a great tool to use. I can see my students creating a video to show a science experiment.
2. How have you transformed your thinking about the learning that will take place in your classroom? Yes, but it is going to take some time to become an expert using all this new tools.
3. Were there any unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you? Yes, technology is going really fast. As a teacher I now understand how we need to open our minds for new ideas to teach our kids.

Tool 11: Digital Citizenship

There are three things I would want my students to understand when it comes to the use of technology.
Common sense: Students need to respect their boundaries, as well to respect the District policies.
Responsibility: As a parent or teacher, which situation would make you more nervous—knowing that your students, son or daughter had the keys to the family car or knowing that he or she had unrestricted access to the Internet? Both activities involve a measure of danger. And both require a level of responsibility.
Communication: An open line of communication with your students is your best defense against online dangers.
children need to understand that to stay away from online dangers takes effort, and electronic access to media is constantly changing. New technologies may bring unique advantages and unprecedented risks to children. How can students prepare for future dangers? “Wisdom is for a protection the same as money is for a protection,” Help your students to become wise. Also help them to understand how to avoid online dangers and use the Internet responsibly. Thus, the Internet can be a tool that will not threaten the safety of our kids.

Tool 10: Exploring Mobile Technology And Apps

Mobile devices have emerged as the “computing platform” for the 21st century. Recent reports suggest that today there are more cell phones in many countries than there are traditional desktop computers with almost 10 times more new cell phones sold than desktop or laptop computers. Today’s children expect active mobile technologies where they too can access the Internet, capture and store multimedia data, and can enable multiple forms of communication. Using this technology like i-pods and apps it will probably accelerate the learning process. it will probably be more independent and one on one.

Tool 9: Sharing Information Through Jing & Skype

I think this is how the screencast could help our students and how might have students use Jing.
Science and Math: Ideas for UseUsing Jing to create screencasts which can be used in science or math to:
present a lesson
clarify hard concepts using images, videos, and audio.
capture brainstorming ideas of entire class or groups.
post lecture notes, concept maps, or math procedural steps on class wiki or blog.
support rote learning of facts or “skill and drill” applications.
create a video clip of you, or a guest speaker, talking while displaying PowerPoint slides or other visuals.
create a how-to video for math project, science project, or laboratory investigation.
create a lab safety video.
also for homework. students can review what activities need to be done for the day or week.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Tool 8: Video Resources

There are probably millions of videos out here, some of them are really good, others not, that is way you have to be careful with what you pick. We tent to see technology as a great advance for human kind and it is, but I also can see the danger of it. Anyway, the two videos I picked are Welcome Back to School. I believe is a great way to start teaching our kids how to express their feelings and the other video is called "Air force one" A great opportunity to teach how to work as a team.

Tool 7: Digital Storytelling

Creating your own movie!!!!! what a great opportunity to become a movie director!!! it is a challenge but I think it's a great opportunity for everyone not just to write a story but also to become a Hollywood star!!

Tool 6: Wikis

This is a new way for students, at least for me, to interact with other children. I believe this tool can became an opportunity for them to share their thoughts helping each other.

Tool 5: Tagging and Social Bookmarking

I understand how this Diigo and delicious work, but I am not sure how I will use them in the classroom, we don't have the time to explore outside the curriculum.
this are the new websites I found somehow "interesantes". Stimulating critical thinking using technology has the potential to create more in depth understanding of science and math content by students when engaged in learning activities which integrate in-class and on-line technology resources.

How the iPhone Can Help You Be a Better Teacher
A teacher equipped with an iPhone and the right applications is an educational force to be reckoned with. Not only will your smart phone be a tool for organization and communication, it will also help you expand your knowledge and dive into your imagination. Listed below are ten of the best iPhone applications for teachers out there. Explore and use them in your classroom, and soon enough, you’ll be wondering how you ever managed teaching and living without them.
1. Educate: Plan your class schedules, keep track of student progress, and communicate with all your students at once with this easy-to-use application. Educate looks to help teachers organize their time and efforts by being the ultimate teacher’s tool for success.
2. Teacher’s Aid: If you run out of ideas for what to do in your classroom, Teacher’s Aid has your back. Browse through the variety of creative ideas in this application. From icebreakers to workshops, you will have a phone filled with ways to engage and educate your students.
3. Date Wheel: Be on top of all your personal and professional appointments and assignments. The Date Wheel will tell you how much time - months, days, and even hours - until you or your students need to finish a task. With this application, you can remind students about an upcoming deadline from the moment they ask or it crosses your mind.
4. QuickVoice: Sometimes it only takes a moment for an idea to cross your mind, so why not try capturing these ideas with QuickVoice, a recorder that will allow you to make voice notes. You can also record memos, plans, and even lectures on this application.
5. Mocha VNC Lite: Transferring files between your home and work computer can sometimes leave you without a greatly needed file that you are dying to show to your students or are hoping to elaborate upon in the middle of the night. But installing the Mocha VNC Lite application will get you remote access to both of these computers wherever you go.
6. Teacher’s Pick: Are you tired of calling on the same students? Do you want to give other students a chance to speak up? Well think about investing in Teacher’s Pick, an application that will help you choose students randomly. You even have the option of inactivating students (if they are absent or have been chosen too often) so that you can pick students that have yet to participate.
7. Behavior Journal: Create the best progress reports of your students with the Behavior Journal. You can jot down quick notes on things that happen in the classroom. These little reports will help you remember how well students did each semester. The Behavior Journal will even create an analysis, filled with charts, if it recognizes any patterns of behavior with certain students.
8. Stanza: Read up on all the latest written material out there. Stanza makes it cinch for you to read digital books, journals, newspapers, and magazines on your handy-dandy iPhone. With your busy schedule, Stanza is giving you time to read by being accessible anywhere, anytime.
9. Wikipanion: Ever at a loss of what your students are talking about? Are they dishing about hip things that you would like to be more in tune with? With this application, you have Wikipedia on your side. You are only a few clicks away to being in the know of student conversations.
10. Did You Know?: Start of each school day with an interesting fact from the Did You Know application. Serious and funny facts can greet students as they walk into the doors of your classroom. Having this daily tradition will brighten up the atmosphere and get students to start talking and asking questions.

Tool 4: Using cool Google tools to share information.

This tool (google docs) is a great way to create any article you want your students to create. I can see my fourth graders writing a particular story, share it with other team members and add new stronger story. this tool would help to clean all the mess sometimes I have in the classroom with all the paper we use.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Tool 3: Image Generators & Mashups

Great way to interact with children. pictures may explain better a situation than words. I'm planning to use this technology specially for Math and Science.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Tool 2 Bulding a community.

All forms of communication require a sender, a message, and an intended recipient, however with blogs seems like you are just expressing yourself to the air. but then someone shares his or her thoughts and the magic starts. We can connect ideas that we are passioned about and doesn't matter if there is no one there in a physic form, but what matters is that you are getting conversations from other people around the world. The thing is you still need to find the people to create communication.

Friday, July 16, 2010

guzman's class corner: our first month blogging

guzman's class corner: our first month blogging: "technology is changing our lives, everywhere you look, you are going to find a new way to do things. this can be a challenge for everyone, ..."